Captivating and Engaging Audiences: The Art of Fintech Creative & Content

July 16, 2024


Let’s delve into the wonderful world of creative and content, which underpins every communication you have with your audience – from highly converting landing pages to shareable social posts. Here’s how to harness the mix of authenticity and strategic thinking needed to clarify your message. Along the way, you’ll discover how each tactic will help your fintech be heard above the noise of today’s competitive landscape.

Decide how your brand sounds and speaks

Your brand voice sets the tone for every interaction and therefore plays an important role in shaping perceptions and fostering connections. Does your brand sound formal and professional or casual and approachable? Is there a list of words you swear you’ll never use? Can you sum up your overall tone in a nutshell? Monzo can. Their tone of voice (ToV) document is a communication masterclass designed to ensure consistency across all channels, from social media posts to customer service interactions.

Why this works: The ability to develop a persona that resonates with your audience feeds into your entire marketing strategy. A distinctive voice means people will recognise you wherever you appear – whether it’s a paid social post or a billboard – while understanding your target customer means you can set up the right social media channel mix for your audience.

Lean into user-generated content (UGC)

You want to establish trust, foster connections and demonstrate authenticity. We have three words for you – user-generated content. Because when you retweet, repost and spotlight first-person narratives, you speak directly to your audience in a genuine and relatable manner. Use this potent marketing tool to share real-world testimonials and reviews of how customers perceive and utilise your products and solutions, foster community engagement and amplify brand reach through social sharing. If you’re in the B2B space, demonstrate how you're helping companies achieve their objectives – like we’ve done (humble brag) on our case studies page

Why this works: UGC is a goldmine when refining your marketing tactics. Firstly, analysing UGC provides invaluable insights into customer perceptions, preferences and behaviours. This allows you to identify common themes, pain points and things that are (and aren’t) working, enabling you to adjust your messaging and offering to ensure they’re better aligned with customer expectations.

Employ high-converting creative elements

Ok, this is indispensable for standing out and driving results. Compelling digital design plays a pivotal role in capturing attention and communicating brand identity. We’re talking about intuitive interfaces that nurture trust and convey professionalism as well as visually engaging graphics and user-friendly layouts that enhance the overall user experience. In addition, conversion-focused copywriting is crucial for guiding people from awareness to becoming a committed customer. 

That’s why it’s important to use concise messaging that highlights key benefits, addresses pain points and resonates with potential customers. In addition, crafting persuasive calls-to-action and leveraging inspiring language can drive conversions across various touchpoints.

Why this works: Integrating these elements seamlessly within marketing campaigns ensures coherence and effectiveness. From eye-catching banner ads to persuasive landing pages, every component should work together to convey your fintech's value proposition and compel users to take the desired action, whether that’s requesting more information, signing up for a service or downloading an app. 

Educate as well as entertain

While first-person authenticity is valuable, there are times when a third-person perspective can be equally effective. Use this kind of storytelling to highlight success stories, commentate on industry trends and explain how people can benefit from your product or service. Like PayPal, which has a dedicated YouTube playlist called How To Use PayPal that contains – wait for it – 51 easy-to-understand explainer videos answering frequently asked customer questions.

Pro tip: Avoid using too many buzzwords – if you have to use technical terms, always include an easy-to-understand definition and an example of exactly what the term refers to. 

Add legal and compliance to the creative process

You’ve nailed the tone, now to avoid running into trouble with legal and compliance. Creating content in the fintech space comes with plenty of complex regulations and bureaucratic red tape to consider. We’ll give you one less thing to worry about when you tune into our podcast episode all about the future of KYC compliance, so you can get to Know Your Customers without making a misstep. 

Pro tip: Don’t risk getting it wrong – bring your legal and compliance team into the creative and content strategy phase and factor plenty of wriggle room into campaign timelines to allow for rounds of reviews. 

Combine your creative content with paid media 

Exceptional creative content can capture attention and communicate your fintech’s unique value proposition, while compelling visuals, engaging copy and informative messaging establish credibility and resonance with target audiences. However, these are just the foundations of a successful marketing strategy – so don’t limit your potential reach and impact by relying solely on organic. This is where paid media and performance marketing come into the equation. By strategically allocating budgets to targeted advertising channels such as social media ads, search engine marketing, display advertising and sponsored content, fintech owners and marketers can amplify the reach of their creative content and effectively target specific audience segments.

Why this works: Paid media offers unparalleled precision in audience targeting, allowing you to reach users based on demographics, interests, behaviours and even financial profiles. In addition, it presents an unparalleled opportunity for scalable growth and rapid experimentation. Our paid media service can help by identifying your ideal customer and budget, setting up the right channel mix for your audience and implementing a measurable strategy to attract users to your disruptive proposition.

Test, test, test! 

Through continuous testing and optimisation of ad creative, targeting parameters and bidding strategies, it’s possible to continually refine your approach, uncovering insights and identifying the most effective tactics for driving results. That’s why it’s important to run A/B tests across all creative content. The good news? In addition to conversion copywriting, our end-to-end creative content service includes ideation, design and all-important AB testing. 

Why this works: Ongoing optimisation based on data-driven insights is crucial for refining creative strategies and maximising results. Analysing user behaviour, A/B testing different design and copy variations, and iterating based on performance metrics are key practices for continuously improving conversion rates and enhancing overall marketing effectiveness.

Want to produce engaging creative and content that resonates with your audience? At Growth Gorilla, we’re experts in all things content marketing so get in touch with us to see how we can help. 

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